Engagement ring is a constant remembrance and symbol for your wedding with a particular person. But before going to the how to choose an engagement ring process, it is important for you to have an accurate sizing of your ring finger. It is important because you don’t wanna be in a situation when your engagement falls off the drain, or any other such conditions. So, here we have a complete guide to engagement or wedding ring sizing. Because your ring sizing should never, did you read that right, never be a guessing game.
Ring size can change based on your daily routine and environment
There are a lot of biological elements like pregnancy, diet, and temperature that have a huge impact on your finger. You don’t have to worry or panic if your finger size is constantly changing. It’s just normal and every living person has a change in their finger size from time to time. Unlike clothes, there is no set formula to determine your ring size. Everyone’s different and has their own lifestyle which results in many different kinds of sizes when it comes to rings.
Width of the band
Yes, the width of the band also has to do with your ring size. Bands that are thin tend to be a bit larger on the finger and rings with thick bands fit snugly even though they are the same exact size. If there is more metal wrapped around the finger, it tends to take up more space and fits tighter. A size 5 in thin rings won’t be the same as a size 5 in thick rings. If you really love and want to have a thin ring, then go for a smaller size, if you’re size is 6 then go for the next smaller size.
When should you measure your ring finger?
It’s just really surprising to hear, but your ring finger size will change according to the climatic conditions. And to have an accurate measurement, the conditions must also be accurate. If the weather is warm, your fingers will have a swell, in the winter and cold time, the fingers tend to shrink. Most of the experts in jewellery will advise you to not eat salty food and drink hot beverages before getting your fingers measured. Doing such things will cause your fingers to swell up. You can get an accurate measurement of your finger only when your body temperature is accurate and normal.
How to guess your partner’s ring size?
Most of the people nowadays usually tend to involve their partner in the process of picking the ring. But if you don’t wanna do that and wanna give her a surprise, then it might be a little difficult to know the ring size. We would suggest, you tell her mother and best friend about the surprise, because you will get a good amount of support from them.
Now it’s time to go undercover and click a pic of her where her fingers are clearly visible. What is the picture for? You may ask. Well you need to take the picture to a jewellery designer where he/she will estimate or “guess” the ring size of your significant other.
There are various types of ring settings out there, which may also sometimes result in a quite a bit of change in the ring size. In different settings, there will be a different size that will fit you snugly.
Conclusion: Do everything you can, you can also give up your surprise plans if you are not sure about the ring size. Because the snugly fit is more important than the surprise.